Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What does a BMF Freestyle really prove?

I think I'm Bill Gates.... I think I'm Janet Jackme..... I think I'm Trademark.... I think I've heard them all. There is one thing that goes without debate. This track lends itself to every suck-ass, lame, has been, and fall off, in the game! They even put a 10 year old on this track and he killed it. This track is so slow that RICK ROSS made a hit off of it! We won't even get into my feelings for Rick Ross on this one. You do the math, is the game really full of hardcore villains or is this track the perfect camouflage?

Lady Luck- F*** You, Pay Me

The Joker

Lighter AKA Prince of Africa

Yo Gotti

Lil Flip

Lil Niqo

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